czwartek, 27 listopada 2008
Mini Kit " Winter "
Our work never stops so we will constantly be coming up with new ideas. We're currently working on our first paid kit, but in the meantime please enjoy our free mini " Winter " kit. We hope you'll like it.
Cześć wszystkim.
Nasza praca jest ciągła i staramy się zarówno być na czasie jak i iść z pomysłami dalej. Powstaje pierwszy płatny zestaw, jednak w oczekiwaniu na niego mamy dla was mini zestaw zimowy " Winter " i mamy nadzieję, że wam się spodoba
środa, 26 listopada 2008
by Brydka ( photo by JJ )
“Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson quote ...
Danielle is a talented layout artist known to most of us in the digital scrapping world as Artemia. She has a wonderful heart and a generous personality. Tragedy has recently come into Danielle's life. An accident injured one of her two little boys and may have permanently left her husband partially paralyzed. Many of us have poured out our hearts to Danielle. Now some of her friends in the industry have come together with an incredible collaborative kit to help her with her financial burden.
The contributing designers are: ah! Designs, Amanda R Designs, Catherine Designs, Createwings Designs, Emiko Designs, Heaven’s Gate Designs, Holly Designs, Jazzmin Designs, Jofia Designs, Kate Hadfield, Lauren Reid, Lorie Davison and Madame Mim.
The kit is called Artemia for our friend Danielle and is all about hope, friendship and love.
Hope is the thing with feathers… Hope can help us fly just as feathers can help birds fly. Hope keeps us warm just as feathers keep birds warm. We want Danielle to keep hope and we want to keep her warm.
Friendship is essential to the soul, we would like to show Danielle that we are here for her.
Love, this kit is all about love, love for a husband or wife, love for our children, love for a friend. We would like to share with all of you this code (that comes from Laurie Ann) for I Love You: 1-4-3 (the numbers of letters of each word)
BONUS : As our way of saying THANK YOU for your contribution… we've included a 12 Quick Pages album made by some of the scrapbooking world's most talented layout artists and designers.
DRAWING to win a free issue of December DAM : Purchase of this kit will not only help Danielle in her time of need, but will enter you in a random drawing to win one of 10 free issues of the December Digital Artist Magazine.
All proceeds from this kit (after fees) will be donated to Danielle’s family.
piątek, 21 listopada 2008
Thanks - Dziękujemy
We've prepared for you our first mega kit, which we've named "The Beginning" as it marks a new start for us as designers. We hope you'll like it and we'll be able to continue our work for you in the future. We hope that you'll have so much fun using it, as we had making it.
Thanks to all the girls who posted the first scraps made using our kit!
Sincerely, Brydka, Malina and Wiola.
Cześć wszystkim!
Mamy dla was nasz pierwszy mega zestaw, nazwałyśmy go " Początek ", bo jest to dla nas nowy start jako dizajnerki. Mamy nadzieję, że spodoba się wam on i będziemy mogły kontynuować naszą pracę w przyszłości " Życzymy wam takiej samej zabawy w scrapowaniu, jaki my miałyśmy w tworzeniu tego mega zestawu.
Dziękujemy wszystkim dziewczynom za pierwsze scrapy z naszego zestawu.
Pozdrawiamy serdecznie Brydka, Malina i Wiola
czwartek, 20 listopada 2008
To describe how this kit came to be would require a lot of words, so let's put it simply - it was a spur of the moment.
Three passionate scrapbooking friends decided to put their minds together and create something themselves.
Each of us gave something to create a kit, that hopefully you will like.
Brydka, Malina and Wiola - or BMW for short.
We plan to create a blog which we'll use to share our work with you - hopefully it will happen really soon. We thought about a theme - at first we chose a child's room, then we considered a child's dream, but what will come of it, you'll have to wait and see.
Meanwhile, we send our best regards.
Cześć wszystkim.
Dużo by pisać, co nas skłoniło do zrobienia swojego zestawu, ale z pewnością był to impuls.
Trzy pasjonatki digi scrapbookingu oraz przyjaciółki postanowiły zrobić coś razem.
Do tej pory zachwycałyśmy się pracami innych, spod naszych rąk wychodziły scrapy z zestawów ulubionych projektantek. Teraz postanowiłyśmy zrobić coś od siebie. Każda z Nas dała od siebie tyle by wyszedł zestaw, który mamy nadzieję, że wam się spodoba.
Brydzia, Malina i Wiola - skrót naszej tajemniczej nazwy BMW.
Na początek jednak chciałyśmy stworzyć bloga, gdzie będziemy co jakiś czas dzielić się swoją pracą, co nastąpi lada chwila. Sugerowałyśmy się pokojem dziecinnym, potem snem dziecka, co z tego wyjdzie, zobaczycie już niebawem.
Tymczasem pozdrawiamy serdecznie .